Thursday, April 25, 2013

Manufacturing Stories collected from around the web. Solar, Lean, Inventory Accuracy and more.

     I've collected and posted several articles and blog posts pertaining to manufacturing. Stories, comments and opinions on everything from shop floor efficiency and inventory accuracy to lean and green methodologies. I created this blog to assist me in my job search, I am no professional blogger, but I do have a knack for manufacturing and building quality product, with respect to cost, deadlines and delivery. Hope you enjoy! and please feel free to share, like and forward.
Thank you for visiting.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why You’re Wasting Your Time Trying to Limit Social Media Use (via

Recently, when Ken Wisnefski, the CEO of WebiMax, an online marketing firm, wrote in to BNET’s Ask the Expert’s column complaining that his employees were wasting too much time on social media, two out of three responding experts took a hard line on the issue. Beth Schroeder, a partner at Silver…

Saturday, February 16, 2013

ResumeBear: Important skills needed in these turbulent Years! (via

This millennium has not gotten off to a great start as far as the economy is concerned. With the dot-com bubble bursting, the stock market crashing, and the “Great Recession” setting in, it’s been a bumpy dozen years. Here we’ve lined up our picks for the most important skills needed in this…

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Infographic Resumes Part 1

This is my first blog post about these very creative infographic resumes, part 1. There are many hot infographics on the web. However, I'm more focused on the resume infographic and I tend to use the term visual resume more so than infographic resume, if nothing else, I think it makes for a smoother read and in general an infographic can be anything represented in visual form as far as I'm concerned. These infographic resumes do look very appealing and eye catching. Hot or not, and as creative as some of them are that I've seen, good content is certainly a driving factor in whether or not a potential employer dials your 7 digits.

Below is a sample of my first go at a MS paint version of my paper resume (I just copied it from Word and Pasted it to Paint) The paper resume itself was more a brainstorming activity I did just to get some concrete facts down. I'm not sure how this image will look when I publish this, in preview mode it can not be read and the hyperlink doesn't respond, but it tests well, so we'll see. I'll endeavour to make it readable somehow in Part 2, as my expertise is not in graphic web design. But it seems, to stand out from my crowd, I need to be more than I am today, to get to where I need to be tomorrow.  

You can see the image above is kind of busy and there is some useless information on there to.

I initially started out with a 3 page resume, but my research and experience has shown me that the most important part of the resume are the first few lines. If an employer doesn't like what they are seeing right off the bat, what are the chances they will read through two more pages? So, even though I have quite a bit of experience, I've tailored this next resume for a specific position and limited my facts to only that. I also tossed out "summary" and  "qualifications" and other overly used buzz words from years past.  Attempting to make it more web friendly and using words and terminology we now associate with the experiences of people, places and things on the various social media sites. 

All things considered, both these resumes are pretty visually lame when compared to the hot new infographics. If you notice on the right side of this blog there is a infograph of my resume using my LinkedIN profile information that was imported to this website I used  to create it. It's called One of several online visual resume creators.

Towards the bottom left of this blog post is another online visual resume creator called and if everything works out, clicking on the button should direct you to my visual resume on their site. OK, that's going to wrap up part 1. Part 2 I will cover a few more online visual resume creators and attempt to improve my blogs visual appeal and various other functionality. I'm very excited about getting my Infographic Resume in order, all things said, I think a well put together Infographic Resume is pretty LEAN.

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